性 别: |
女 |
出生年月: |
1987-05-04 |
职 称: |
讲师 |
工作单位: |
理学院 信息与计算科学系 |
硕导(招生学科): |
信息与计算科学 |
博导(招生学科): |
信息与计算科学 |
办公电话: |
045155190960 |
E-mail: |
cshdeng@neau.edu.cn |
课程编号 |
课程名称 |
课程类别 |
学时 |
20600133z |
数字图象处理 |
本科生专业课 |
64 |
20600964x |
大数据分析技术 |
本科生专业课 |
64 |
主持科研项目概况 |
1. 黑龙江省哲学社会科学规划办公室批准项目:基于视频分析技术的本科生学习质量评价标准研究 |
代表性著作、论文 |
Journal paper 1. H. Deng, W. Zuo, H. Zhang, and D. Zhang, "An additive convolution model for fast restoration of nonuniform blurred images," International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2013, pp. 1-21. (SCI/EI) 被引1次,影响因子:0.824 2. H. Deng, D. Ren, D. Zhang, W. Zuo, H. Zhang, K. Wang, "Efficient Non-uniform Deblurring Based on Generalized Additive Convolution Model", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, accepted, 2015. (SCI/EI),影响因子:1.053 3. C. Song, H. Deng, H. Zhang, W. Zuo, H. Gao, "Bayesian Non-Parametric Gradient Histogram Estimation for Texture-Enhanced Image Deblurring", Neurocomputing, accepted, 2015. (SCI/EI),影响因子:2.083 4. H. Deng, D. Ren, G. Xiao, D. Zhang, W. Zuo, "A Coordinate Descent Method for Total Variation Minimization," accepted by Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017. (SCI/EI),影响因子:1.145 Conference paper 5. H. Deng, W. Zuo, and H. Zhang, "Fast Restoration of Nonuniform Blurred Images," in Intelligent Science and Intelligent Data Engineering. vol. 7751, 2013, pp. 597-604. 6. H. Deng, D. Ren, H. Zhang, K. Wang and W. Zuo, "A generalized additive convolution model for efficient deblurring of camera shaken image," in Image and Graphics - International Conference, vol, 9217, pp. 86-99, 2015. 7. Hong Deng,Zifei Yan,Wangmeng Zuo,David Zhang, "A Gradient Histogram Preservation Based Texture Enhanced Model for Image deblurring," International Conference on Signal Processing, Chengdu, 2016 (accepted). 8. X. Lin, H. Zhang, H. Deng, and W. Zuo, "Adaptive Regularization Parameters and Norm Selection for Sparse Gradient Based Image Restoration," in Intelligent Science and Intelligent Data Engineering. vol. 8261, 2013, pp. 789-796. 9. F. Jia, H. Zhang, H. Deng, W. Li, and W. Zuo, "Image Denoising Using Hyper-Laplacian Priors and Gradient Histogram Preservation Model," accepted by IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, 2014. |
授权的专利等情况 |
1. 左旺孟, 邓红, 张宏志, 张垒磊, 石坚. “一种相机抖动造成的模糊图像复原方法” 申请号:CN201410022280.6 2. 左旺孟, 吕德生, 张宏志, 吴圣深, 邓红. “基于增强光场显示的视觉缺陷校正系统” 申请号:CN201510007220.1 |